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To see and to be seen

To see and to be seen

Two weeks ago, an artistic event took place in the midst of Tours' town centre. With the idea of both attracting attention to and taking advantage of the video surveillance in the streets of Tours, a group of artists realised a public event on various...

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A showman named Barrowman

A showman named Barrowman

"John Barrowman is an Entertainer with a capital E. He sings, he dances, he acts, he presents, he judges - he is a unique talent in the British entertainment industry" John Barrowman The Offcial Website You probably already know of him and may not necessarily...

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Anton Corbijn's Control

Anton Corbijn's Control

Tom Waits photographed by A. Corbijn You may not know Anton Corbijn's name, but you have probably seen some of his work, either photos or music videos. This 56 year old Dutch man became widely recognized for his mostly monochromatic, high contrasted pictures,...

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Les difficiles élections sénégalaises

Les difficiles élections sénégalaises

Présidentielle 2012 : Des moments sombres dans l’histoire politique sénégalaise Drapeau du Sénégal Le paysage politique sénégalais Le Sénégal est l’un des pays les plus stables en Afrique car il n’y a jamais eu de coup d’état. Le pays est une république...

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