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« Rhyme, to me, is verbal music, and many of my picture books are illustrated poems. » Jean Marzollo Dear fellow-workers, I would like to share a series of interesting books with you. The I SPY books are search-and-find picture-riddle books. Though initially...

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Just Mun-It!

Just Mun-It!

Sunday the 4th in the evening ended what was the first Model Union Nation ever held in the University of Tours. Organized by a students' organisation, the event knew a great success and was highly appreciated by both official voices and the participants...

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Shock Corridor by Samuel Fuller

Shock Corridor by Samuel Fuller

Samuel Fuller : Shock Corridor. Shock Corridor is a black and white film released in 1963 and directed by the American director Samuel Fuller known for his low budget films mixing strong political views and recognizable filming techniques. This film is...

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Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

-What can you do with a Barbie? Basically everything! Like the majority of the people, I have used the first search engine in order to learn more about your life. To do so, there are specialists. I just had to use the first social network in the US and...

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Anna Karina, icône intemporelle

Anna Karina, icône intemporelle

Bande à part, 1964 « Les films doivent montrer des filles comme nous les aimons, des comme nous les croisons tous les jours, bref, les choses telles qu'elles sont » déclarait François Truffaut en 1959, aux débuts de ce qui deviendra une révolution dans...

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