An important period of transition in the lagoon Island

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 The Mahorais inhabitants and their representatives agree on two things: Mayotte belonging to the French territory is both a challenge and a good option. The population needs financial support to face their economic issues and improve necessary structures such as hospitals and schools. The ailing economy of Mayotte is due to the serious crisis which hit the international communities. In terms of foreign policy, the current male leaders do not really voice the opinion of the population at the French National Assembly.


In the preservation of ancestral customs and the running of the economy, the Mahorais women have always played a decisive role and so it is for the Commando Ticklers or the “Mama shingo” who continue to make home salt for local communities.

The end of last year was particularly testing for the population, in fact, the entire population demonstrated against the “expensive life” on the island. The population wants France to lower the prices of basic food (that is roughly 60% more expensive than in France) and the cost of fuel. The demonstrations were violent; in fact, one person died and a child lost an eye because of policemen who were present during the different demonstrations. Furthermore, from the 21 September of 2011, schools and the civil service were paralysed for three week. The Mahorais inhabitants applied the motto of Zena M'Déré non, karivendzé! - literally they disagree with- the costly life. Mayotte counts 200 000 inhabitants but only 30 000 people have a job, and the Mahorais inhabitants do not have the same rights as the civil servants of the mother country: inequality of social help, starvation wages... Though, a plan for economic development has been drawn up with president Sarkozy. Actually, other important things need to be improved, the sanitary conditions, the system of education.

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And if the economic system of Mayotte is not stable as well as the help given to the population, the students who are studying in French universities are said to be the “elite” of the population. Nevertheless, the condition of the students is not favorable for their success. High school pupils are ill-informed concerning the different options of studies in France, they do not have regular financial help and the budget that is destined to finance education often fade in the nature.


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